
CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited(公司編號: 2474259)

CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited是一家香港公司,註冊於中西區,坐落於德輔道中上,该司已经成立了7年3个月9天。您可在線瀏覽CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited的英文名稱、中文名稱、歷史名稱、注冊編號、成立日期、改名日期、董事等企業信息,並可為你提供“CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited”的信用報告服務。
CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited is a Hong Kong company. Registered in Central and Western, located on the Des Voeux Road Central. It has been operating for 7 year 3 month 9 days. You can browse the English name,Chinese Name, Name of History, Directors Information, registration number, date of establishment, date of change of CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited for free, you can also pay for the credit report of CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited .

公司資訊 / Company Information
附近商圈/More Recommended Business Circles
Data Customization(The Latest Data) / 數據定制(最新數據)
更多詳情/More Information
  • 押記登記冊/Register of Charges: 無/Unavailable
  • 年審日期/Date of Annual Examination: 成立次年之後,每年01月09日至02月19日。根據香港法例第622章《公司條例》,私人公司須在成立為法團的首個周年日後的42日內提交周年申報表。本地私人公司如未有遵從該條文,該公司及其每名責任人可被檢控,一經定罪,可被處失責罰款。每次失責最高可被處罰款港幣50,000元。如持續失責,則可被處按日計算的失責罰款港幣1,000元。
  • 歷史名稱/Name of History:
    CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited

  • 由於時間或信息公開形式存在差異可能會導致資訊與客觀事實不完全一致,如您需要該司最新資訊,建議您購買公司報告
    Due to differences in time or information disclosure format, the information may not be completely consistent with objective facts. It is recommended that you purchase the company report if you need the latest information from the company.
名片樣本 / Business Card Sample
相關信息推薦 / Related Information Recommendation
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  • 香港公司CTG Evergreen Investment XXVI (HK) Limited成立年份:2017-01-09。
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